These Are The 8 Spring Superfoods That You Need to Try Now!

Last Updated on October 9, 2020

3. Cherimoya

This one is everyone’s favorite! The inside of this weird looking fruit is some of the tastiest things that you will ever taste in your life! Make sure, however, that you pick one that is green and hard because they tend to become ripe with time. It’s one of the best superfoods that you can lay your hands on during springtime, so make sure that you do so! You can prepare great smoothies for your children with it, or you can just eat it raw like that—so good, so delicious… as Trump would say!

4. Fava Beans

These are our favorite, and they should be your favorite as well! Scientists have shown that they are rich in magnesium, which has been proven to be very beneficial to the overall health of the body. They are considered among the best vegetables out there, which means they need to become a staple in your kitchen as soon as springtime comes around. They constitute about 18 percent of your daily requirement of magnesium, so make sure that you eat them regularly!

5. Sorrel

This has the shape of spinach, but the taste is different, being of a bright and lemony flavor. There are numerous ways in which you can use sorrel in your diet; frankly speaking, your imagination is the limit with regards to this matter, really. This is a superfood that is high in antioxidants, which means better overall body health. It is the type of fresh vegetables that you need to have in your kitchen around the clock!

6. Stinging Nettles

Of course, the name of these leaves is an indicator that you need to handle them with care. They are around winter and springtime, but you need to make sure that you do not get a rash from touching them. However, after you sauté them in the pan, they will not be rash inducing any more. Add them to your favorite dish, and make sure that you keep your kitchen stocked up with them. They make a great addition to a superfood salad, so make sure that you prepare one. Super green foods are the best!


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