9 Effective Ways To Have A Better Posture

Last Updated on May 9, 2020

4. The contemporary text neck

The neck pain you have been experiencing lately can have an easy explanation – you are suffering from text neck. If you spend too much time on your phone, your head will be looking down, forcing your neck to stretch and band. Since this is a habit, your neck will become weaker as a consequence.

To avoid this, you can reduce the number of hours you spend on your phone, or you can try to hold it at the same level as your eyes, so you won’t have to adopt an uncomfortable and damaging neck position.

5. If you drive, mind your posture

It can be tempting, and it might seem comfortable to recline your seat when you drive, but if you don’t want to end up with an awful sitting posture, you will avoid this.

When you are driving, your knees should be a bit above the level of your hips, and your knees should be able to bend slightly – therefore, you should be closer to the steering wheel and not reclined. If you are on a long trip, make sure to take some breaks and to walk around to avoid discomfort.

6. Visit a chiropractic

Your spinal health is something you should be taken seriously, so if you are in pain or feel constant discomfort, you should talk to a doctor.

A professional chiropractor is the right person to ensure that your posture is correct, helping you prevent damage to your spine or showing you good ways to deal with the damage you already sustain.

7. Choose comfortable shoes

Wearing high heels should be reserved for those special occasions when you want to feel extra fancy or as a supermodel.

We don’t mean to tell you how to live your life, but high heels are not your spine’s best friends since they force you to sustain an inclined posture that will end up arching your back.

After years of high heels, this habit can even change the lineup of your backbones, putting pressure on the nerves and causing incredible discomfort.



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