7 Negative Effects of Wi-Fi & How to Reduce Them


Last Updated on December 18, 2020

2. Turn off your router whenever you are not using it

How to reduce Wi-Fi negative effects? By minimizing the time you are being exposed to radiation. And how can you do that? By turning on your router only when you have to. If you feel uneasy about being exposed to the dangers of Wi-Fi, only turn on your router when it’s really necessary. 

3. Give it up completely

If you want to take the healthiest route, giving up Wi-Fi is the way to go. You can hardwire all of your connections at home and actually enjoy a faster and more consistent internet connection. It is not an easy choice to give up a wireless internet connection, and it’s not an option that is available for everyone. However, if it is an option for you, why not? All you will need is an ethernet hub with enough ports to provide internet for all the devices in your home, in addition to long ethernet cables so you can distribute this precious “gift” throughout your house. To be able to connect your smartphone or tablet, you will also need ethernet adaptors since the recent devices don’t really have ethernet ports. If you have a Wi-Fi keyboard or Wi-Fi headphones, consider switching up as well. 

4. Don’t add any Wi-Fi gadgets to your home, car, or work environment

Smart houses are the future, or so they say. We are not going to lie – it’s quite a commodity to have a technology improved household, and it brings a fair number of advantages to your life. If you are concerned about being exposed to all the Wi-Fi negative effects, you need to resist the temptation of filling your life with these devices. This means no wireless baby monitors and no smart home thermostats. But if humanity has lived without all of these things for so long, so can you, right?

5. Turn on the airplane mode

Your tablet and your smartphone will emit an electromagnetic frequency if their receivers are turned on. And because these devices are usually pretty close to your body, you need to be extra careful. Turn on airplane mode when you are around children or at nighttime before falling asleep. 


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