12 Foods That Can Hurt You If You Eat Them At The Wrong Time!

Last Updated on January 23, 2020

9. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are super rich in Vitamin C, but having a glass of citrus juice in the morning won’t do you any good since those are some of the most acidic fruits you can consume and are not really good on an empty stomach. Eat something first to settle your stomach and have a good old glass of orange juice after.

10. Beans

High in fiber, these tiny foods can be good for your health, but again, not at night time, unless, of course, you want a bloated belly. You can have beans for lunch or for an early dinner in order for your body to absorb all the ingredients that can be useful and digest them correctly.

11. Apples

Everyone is well aware of the benefits of fruits, and that’s why there is the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” However, the acid from apples can cause you some discomfort if it builds up in your stomach. Eat your apples in the morning; it will stimulate your bowel movement, which can be a benefit.

12. Yogurt

Yogurt should never be the first thing you eat in the morning and it shouldn’t also be what you chose to eat before any other meal.

Because it has lactic acid, yogurt will slow down your digestion, which can be harmful. If you want to take advantage of all the benefits a yogurt can offer, try to eat it 2-3 hours before your meals.

This way, the lactic acid will have a positive effect, not to mention that the consumption of yogurt can be good for muscular development and can also add calcium to your bones, making them stronger.



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