What to eat and what to avoid for a better skin!

Last Updated on March 13, 2021

3. Eat fruits and vegetables

There’s no healthy and balanced diet without a varied portion of fruits and vegetables. Broccoli and tomatoes, for example, are great options. Broccolis are packed with zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C, all of which are essential for healthy skin. They also contain lutein, a compound that protects the skin against oxidative damage, and sulforaphane, a compound that protects the skin against sun damage. Tomatoes are equally great at protecting against sun damage because they are rich in lycopene. Carrots, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes are other vegetables that you should include in your skin diet. When it comes to fruits, red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are your best options because they contain high amounts of antioxidants that protect your skin cells against the damage of free radicals. Make sure you also eat fruits rich in vitamin C! This vitamin is extremely important to stimulate collagen production – a substance that strengthens the capillaries that supply the skin.

4. Eat nuts and seeds

As odd as it may seem, nuts and seeds are among the best foods to improve skin. Not only are these two foods delicious and healthy, but they also have great nutritional value. Walnuts provide zinc and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, selenium, and zinc. All these substances can have a positive impact on your skin condition. There is a wide variety of nuts and seeds that contain the so-called skin-boosting nutrients – these are just some examples.

5. Stay hydrated

We have already mentioned the importance of a balanced diet for skin health. Now let’s discuss the importance of staying hydrated. Your skin needs to be properly hydrated; otherwise, it might start to look dry and greyish. Skin cells also need water to move nutrients in and toxins out. A good tip for staying hydrated is making an effort to drink the daily recommended amount of water: about 3.7 liters of fluids for men and 2.7 for women. There are other drinks that, besides keeping you hydrated, can also offer additional health benefits. Lemon water, for example, is an amazing skincare drink because it stimulates your organism to produce collagen. If you don’t like the taste of lemon water, green tea is also a great alternative due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Don’t add sugar to any of these drinks!


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