Top 8 Personal Hygiene MistakesYou Should Avoid At All Cost!

Last Updated on March 24, 2020

If you have sensitive skin or suffer from allergies, hot showers are not for you at all.
Tip: did you know that body lotion only works if you apply it right after showering? Yes, that’s right! Since your pores are open, it’s the perfect time to apply your body cream!

6. You forget to replace your loofah

If you think shower loofahs are meant to last forever or at least a couple of years, you’re totally wrong.

Firstly, they’re not expensive, that’s probably why you decided to buy them in the first place. So, why keep using that “used to be white” loofah of yours instead of getting a new one?
Keep in mind that loofahs and washcloths can accumulate mold, bacteria, yeast, and the list goes on…

And if you’re too lazy to replace your loofah with a new one, maybe that’s a sign that you shouldn’t use a loofah at all and just trust your own hands to do the cleaning.

7. Poor dental hygiene

Being lazy with oral hygiene is the reason why so many people are toothless or have dental health problems. Some people are just too busy to go to a dentist, and when they do, the only solution for their problem is getting rid of all the rotten teeth they have in their mouths, other people, the majority, simply are lazy when it comes to daily dental care routine.

The mistakes we make are infinite but these two seem to be the most popular: either people don’t buy a new toothbrush in a year or don’t even care to brush their teeth daily.

So, first things first, what happens when you don’t change your toothbrush? Just like any other object that is just standing there, it can collect bacteria, and overall mold or just get super dirty and gross looking.

If you even consider putting a toothbrush that looks like this in your mouth, then you’re really careless about keeping your teeth healthy. Toothbrushes should be changed within 3 to 6 months maximum. A clean toothbrush equals a clean mouth!



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