8 Easy Ways To Build A Home Workout Routine!

Last Updated on April 7, 2020

You should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio training per week and a strength training session twice a week – these numbers may change depending on the goals you had set. So arrange your schedule with that goal in mind.

3. Set the mood

You can do your home workout routine even if you live in a small apartment. However, you need to rearrange the area you choose to exercise so that you don’t keep bumping into furniture as you move around the room. It’s also nice to have an exercise mat where you can lie down and do your push-ups and sit-ups more comfortably.

Everything else is personal preference. You can play your favorite playlist, listen to a podcast, or follow the news on the TV while you work out. Whatever gets you in the mood.
Also, don’t forget to wear your sports clothes and shoes. They are more comfortable and safe – you don’t want to slip and hurt yourself, do you?

3 Warm-up

Every “workout for beginners” guide will teach about the importance of warming up before doing complex exercises or intense cardio. Even if only for two or three minutes.

These soft exercises intend to prepare your heart for the extra workload that is coming by increasing heart rate and circulation; and increase body temperature to loosen your joints and increase blood flow to the muscles.

How to warm up at home: the important thing is that you warm up the same muscles you will be engaging during the main workout session (ex: for runners, a light jog is a great warmup).

If you are doing bodyweight workout, you can warm up simply by doing the first set of the circuit at a slower pace. Don’t worry too much about it because if you use the right workout app to guide your exercising session, it will include the warm-up.

5. Home workout apps

Recently, the smartphone apps market has seen a huge increase in the number of fitness apps focused on exercising at home, for those who want to exercise without going to the gym.



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