11 Scary Dangers Of Not Washing Fruit And Vegetables

Last Updated on May 13, 2020

The moist spots on fruit will become soft faster, which can be an invitation for bugs and bacteria, putting your safety at risk.

9. Bruised Produce Can Be A Risk

Like we have said in the previous point, fruit that is bruised will easily attract bacteria and bugs – and if the surface of your food items is cracked, that crack will work just like a wound, allowing bacteria inside.

To avoid food waste, you should cut the part that is damaged, but you should also wash the surface properly before doing so, and then wash it one more time afterward.

10. You Don’t Wash Your Food Properly

If you are going to eat a fruit or a vegetable that you do not intend to cook, you should wash it thoroughly for two minutes, using cold running water.

Also, it’s recommended that you wash your hands before you wash your food to get rid of any viruses or bacteria you might be carrying, and that might end up in your food.

11. It’s Always Important To Wash It

Maybe you don’t do such a good job washing your food, and you don’t follow the two-minute rule – even in that case, it is better to wash your fruits and veggies poorly than not to wash them at all.
Also, do not trust those bags that say the fruit and veggies have been pre-washed – it doesn’t hurt to do it again, just in case. After all, your health comes first.



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