11 Scary Dangers Of Not Washing Fruit And Vegetables

Last Updated on May 13, 2020

These chemicals are widely used when growing fresh produce, and even after the harvest, there is a chance that you will still find pesticides and herbicides on the skin of your veggies and fruit. Why should you always wash vegetables and fruits?

To keep these chemical elements from getting inside your body. To clean up your food items effectively, you can use a mix of baking soda and water.

5. There Might Be Dirt And Debris

Fruits and vegetables come from the earth, and this means one thing and one thing only: dirt. It’s only natural that your produce will contain leftover debris and dirt – after all, it has been in close contact with the soil.

Be sure to thoroughly wash your vegetables and your fruit, even the ones with a package that says they have been pre-washed.

6. People Tend To Forget The Inside

Let’s imagine you are washing lettuce – do you rinse out the outside of this veggie, or do you go all the way and also wash the inside? If you chose the first option, you are doing it wrong. The inside of the lettuce, just like it happens with many other vegetables, will also have dirt and bugs and bacteria.

If you don’t wash it properly, there is a higher risk of getting a viral infection, food poisoning, or even digestive problems – and these are only a few of the dangers of not washing your vegetables and fruit.

7. You Think Removing The Skins Is Enough

Even if you don’t plan to eat the skin of your produce, you should still wash it anyway – and yes, you should rewash it after removing the skin. Why?

Because there is a chance of cross-contamination, and every single time you make a new cut or peel a bit of the skin, you are leading the way for pesticides and bacteria to get inside your fruit.

8. Not Being Aware Of The Risks Of Washing Your Produce Too Soon

We are all well aware that bacteria love moist, and this is why washing your fruits and vegetables the minute you come from the store can do more harm than good.



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