10 Bad Bathroom Habits That Are Messing Up Your Health!

Last Updated on December 11, 2019

If you don’t do this to your towel it will smell weird the next time you try to use it. You can always change towels every time you shower, especially during winter, when it’s harder to dry the used ones.

#8 – Sitting On The Toilet For Too Long

Some people like to use their toilet time to get productive, and who can blame them? After all, it’s time you are never going to get back.

But sitting in the toilet for too long is not good for your health, so try to pay attention to the time, don’t get distracted and don’t take too long unless you really need to. The extra pressure on the veins may give you serious issues, like hemorrhoids.

#9 – Flushing With The Lid Up

The lid on your toilet should be closed at all times, and it’s actually an easy habit to acquire. This applies to when you flush it since the water movement will get mixed up with small waste particles that will get sprayed into the air.

Those germs will attach to your towel, your toothbrush, and to your loofah, of course. If you are finding it hard to remember, leave yourself a note on the wall.

#10 – Holding Your Hair On A Bun When You Shampoo

You are washing your hair, with conditioner and the whole thing, but it still gets tangled when you try to brush it.

This might happen because you tie it on a bun when you are using the conditioner, or just pile it on top of your hair after washing it. Just let it fall naturally, and when you are shampooing, massage your scalp, but avoid massaging the rest of your hair.

This way your hair won’t get tangled as much and you won’t do any damage to your scalp by having to brush it aggressively.

We hope this information was useful and that you find a way to change if you have any of these habits. The bathroom is just like every other aspect of your life, and bad habits can ruin your health, even if you don’t notice it at first.



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