What Happens If You Eat Grapes Every Day For Two Months


Last Updated on December 31, 2020

However, experts recommend consuming whole grapes over juice because you still need the fiber to protect your body from blood sugar spikes.

#6 – Improved bone health


In addition to all the benefits grapes give us, they also provide many minerals that can help the bone health, and vitamin K is the boss among them. The reason is vitamin K can keep the calcium inside our bones, stopping it from leaching into our bloodstream.

With that in mind, we are also impressed because grapes already contain calcium, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium.

However, we still need further studies to prove that resveratrol can improve bone density on humans because it did on rats. Meanwhile, we just need to keep consuming it daily and watch our bones getting stronger and better.

#7 – Better immune system


Originally, our immune system plays a role of fighting off any unwanted invaders from our bodies, such as viral or bacterial infections. But also before any invader gets to you, a strong immune system would have already repelled it.

If you added grapes to your daily diet, then you will basically become one of those people who never seem to get the seasonal cold. Others might be annoyed, but at least you will forget about the one apple a day…

Grapes also have many compounds that would protect against bacterial and viral infections, herpes virus, yeast infections, and chicken pox.



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