This is How You Get Cold and Flu Without Going Out!

Last Updated on December 13, 2019

#6 – Towels and Washcloths

Cold and flu viruses tend to die faster on tissue, cloth, or other absorptive surfaces, on the opposite side, they can easily thrive on damp fabric for enough time to infect more people.

This is why you should never share towels or washcloths with anyone, especially during this critical season. According to the National Health Service of the UK, the flu virus can survive for up to fifteen minutes on soft fabrics, plus, RSV (a respiratory virus) can remain infectious for about forty-five minutes, and the virus responsible for croup can survive for four hours on washcloths and towels. Never sharing personal items can be the best cold and flu prevention method.

#5 – TV Remote Controls

We’ll just skip asking when was the last time you cleaned your remote controls and go straight to the point that you need to sanitize any items that are touched daily. Also, if you’re a gamer, don’t forget to clean your consoles, especially if you’re not the only one using them.

The best way to eliminate bacteria and viruses is to wipe down your remotes, consoles, and keyboards using a disinfectant wipe or cotton balls dipped in rubbing alcohol once every week.

#4 – Faucet Handles

A survey from the American Microbiology Society revealed that after coughing or sneezing, only 39% of people would wash their hands. And even when they wash their hands, chances are they leave their virus behind on many objects before even reaching the sink, including faucet handles.

In fact, flu viruses can survive for twenty-four hours on plastic, metal, and other hard surfaces, while cold viruses can survive for multiple days!

To prevent catching a cold and stay healthy, use disinfectant wipes to clean faucet handles after use.

#3 – The Toothbrush Holder

When a household member is sick, they contaminate the toothbrush holder as well as their brush with the cold or flu virus every time they come in contact with it. And if the transferred virus got in your toothbrush holder, then there’d be high chances it will also end up on all the toothbrushes in there.



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