This Is How Drinking Water Can Kill You!

Last Updated on February 7, 2020

2. Muscle cramps and weakness in legs

As we have already stated, muscle cramps and weakness are among the symptoms of hyponatremia. But these symptoms can also appear if you are constantly losing potassium through urine. Potassium helps your muscles relax, and without it, you might get those annoying and painful cramps.

3. Crystal clear pee

A dark yellow pee is usually indicative of a handful of health problems, everybody knows that. But the complete opposite doesn’t necessarily mean that your health condition is great.

In fact, having a crystal-clear pee stream every time you go to the bathroom might be a sign that you are drinking too much water and interfering with your electrolyte balance.
Since we are on the subject of pee colors, it is important for you to know that healthy people have a light-yellow pee. So, you should aim for that.

4. Swollen hands, feet, and lips

When your cells start retaining water due to the low levels of sodium in the blood and the excessive stress it causes on the kidneys, you might experience swollen hands, feet, or lips. The cells in the extremities of your body will increase in volume and that increase will quickly become visible in these areas.

5. Headaches

Headache is one of the symptoms of hyponatremia, and in most cases, it is even the first to be experienced. As brain cells become filled with water, their volume increases and you start to feel a certain pressure on the skull.

It is important to understand if the cause could really be the amount of water you have drunk all at once, and if so, you should seek medical help as soon as possible to avoid neurological impairment and other types of permanent damage.



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