Here Are The 5 Reasons You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night!

Last Updated on December 20, 2019

More than 300 million people around the world are battling with depression, according to new estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), so you could only imagine how many people suffer from insomnia because of it. In case you need the stats anyway, 50% of the world’s population does.

Depression is a serious mental disorder and it is possible for someone to have depression and not realize yet.

If you experience symptoms other than sleep problems, such as feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, and severe lack of productivity and enjoyment, or suicidal thoughts, consider speaking to a therapist soon.

#3 – Night terrors

It’s not only children who experience night terrors, AKA sleep terror disorder or nightmares, but adults do as well.

Night terrors are episodes of crying, screaming, or thrashing around during sleep that are caused by several factors such as traumatic experiences, anxiety disorders, depression, obstructive sleep apnea, which can wake you up at night.

Night terror treatment for adults may include hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation therapy, or biofeedback.

#4 – Nocturia

Nocturia is the condition in which you have to wake up during the night because of an overwhelming need to urinate.

Causes of nocturia include anxiety, excessive urination due to diabetes, prostate enlargement, prostate infection, kidney infection, overactive bladder, etc.

To prevent nocturia, limit your fluid intake a couple of hours before bedtime, avoid beverages that can irritate your bladder.

Your doctor may recommend nocturia medications as treatment.

#5 – Screen use

Using your smartphone, laptop, and other electronic devices before bed is a bad idea that costs you a good night’s sleep.

Studies have long shown that blue light affects the production of the sleep hormone known as melatonin, which interferes with your body’s natural clock (circadian rhythm) and makes it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

In other words, when your body clock is disrupted, you may wake several times at night. To avoid this and improve the quality of your sleep, cut electronic use two hours before your bedtime to allow your brain to release melatonin properly.



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