Here Are 10 Home Remedies To Treat Ear Pain

Last Updated on April 19, 2020

3. Ear massage

Sometimes the pain we experience is often external, like a wound. The best thing to do in this case is to put a bag of ice on your ear for 10 minutes to see if the pain calms down, if it does, then your pain may be external.

You can also try to massage your ear softly, feeling your ear carefully to see if you notice any bumps or something abnormal. If so, go to your doctor.

4. Cold/Warm Compresses

Even though you usually go for ice and cold compresses, heating pads can also be beneficial to relieve pain, and it’s best to use on kids. Our bodies are different and react to pain in different ways.

Some people might feel relieved with ice while others prefer warm compresses. Figure out what’s best for you.

5. Pain relievers

This might be the most known way on how to relieve ear pain.

Although some of us would like to avoid taking medication and try to get over pain with other healthier methods, however, drugs are only harmful to you if you take more than you should or if you suffer from constant pain and other illnesses.

Some of the best over the counter pain relievers also known as OTC drugs aren’t dangerous for your health, take ibuprofen as an example, it helps a lot with pain and they are safe to use, even with antibiotics.

6. Olive oil

This is one of the most accessible home remedies for ear pain. Even though it’s not scientifically proven that it helps with ear pain, people who tried it say that it works! Just a couple drops of olive oil can do wonders to soothe your ear pain. And it’s safe.

7. Ear Drops

There are significant homeopathic ear drops that you can buy at your local pharmacy that are safe to use since they’re made from herbal extracts.

These drops can help reducing ear pressure, and they can be as helpful as other not so healthy antibiotics. Always explain your problem to your doctor or at the pharmacy; they will advise you with the best product for your specific problem.



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