8 Daily Habits that Will Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey

Last Updated on December 7, 2020

4. Improve your posture

Standing straight is the best way to maintain a healthy posture, but it comes with other benefits. Good posture will help you look taller and leaner, and it will also keep your abdominal muscles strong. So, just by sitting or standing straight throughout the day, you will be able to work on your abs without any extra effort. 

5. Fidget throughout the day

Those small movements can be quite annoying to other people, but they can work as regular exercise for you. Without even noticing, simple things like wiggling, pacing, tapping, or even shaking can help you lose between 100 and 800 calories daily. These might be small numbers, but they still count, right? 

6. Take some vitamin D

Vitamin D can do wonders for your immune system, while also promoting healthy bones and teeth. But were you aware of the fact that it can also have a positive effect on your body fat?  Vitamin D aids with the production of serotonin, which keeps your weird appetites at bay. Plus, it helps suppress the production and stockpiling of fat cells, thus helping you maintain a healthy weight. If you are not a huge fan of supplements, try to include vitamin D rich foods in your diet, like fish, eggs, and mushrooms. 

7. Wear high heels

High heels are not the most comfortable shoes in the world but wearing stilettos during your daily routines can pretty much have the same effect as leg-day at the gym. Because wearing stilettos requires that you keep your back straight, this will improve your posture while also working and shaping your calf muscles. You will notice quite an improvement, as your muscles will become stronger and toned. However, let’s not forget that wearing high heels every single day can pose a danger to your spine, so be mindful. 

8. Eat more spicy food

Spicy food can be one of your greatest allies when it comes to losing weight. It has the power to reduce your appetite while increasing the levels of energy you spend on a daily basis. Adding cinnamon and ginger to your diet can help you gain control over your blood sugar levels, while eating black pepper can prevent the development of fat cells. Cayenne pepper, on the other hand, works wonders as a metabolism booster. Plus, your food will be tastier than ever!


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