7 Nail Health Signs That You Should Pay Attention To!

Last Updated on June 12, 2020

A simple blood test is enough to see how your thyroid levels are. And worry not, it’s easily treated with medications. So say goodbye to your broken nails and say hello to stronger, almost unbreakable nails!


6. White Lines On Nails

<p>A white mark or horizontal white lines across your nail is a sign of possible kidney disease, liver problems, or simply lack of specific vitamins and nutrients.
The only way to get the right answer is to visit a specialist. Usually, these white marks on nails appear in more than one nail, and often there is more than one white line in each nail. They are called Muehrcke’s lines.

You can also have white lines due to physical trauma. In that case, the answer is just time since our bodies have incredible power to heals on their own.


7. Blue Nails

<p>Think about this! When you’re freezing or lacking oxygen, our face and body tend to get blue. Not avatar blue, but we gain a blue tone to our skin.
A blue or “bluish” nail is the same. It indicates that you are not getting enough air.
Some people have slow blood circulation, and in that case, it’s usual to have bluish nails. However, if your nails are always blue, you should seek help since it can be related to respiratory problems or a vascular disease called Raynaud’s Disease. The latter is an unusual disorder of our blood vessels.

Now that you know what your nails can reveal about your health, start paying more attention to do them, treat them with care, get a manicure and pedicure from time to time, even if you’re a man! Nowadays, there are special manicures made for men that consist of making your hands and nails hydrated and clean!

If you prefer to paint your nails at home, there are a lot of special polishes that give you beautiful, healthy nails! You might be spending more, but you’ll also be giving more to your nails, so give it a try!





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