5 Signs That You Might Be Sleeping Too Much!

Last Updated on April 23, 2020

5. Weight gain

This is another consequence of oversleeping that experts don’t fully comprehend yet. But many different studies have proven a correlation between excessive sleep and weight gain.

One of the most conclusive studies in this field was carried out by the University of Glasgow and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition back in 2017.

It concluded that abnormal sleeping habits (both short sleep and long sleep – less than 7 hours per night, and more than 9 hours per night, respectively) drastically increase the risk of carrying excess weight in people with high genetic risk for obesity.

This means that if you are genetically susceptible to obesity, you need to be careful about your lifestyle and particularly your sleep characteristics.
The bottom line is that too much sleep is bad for you at various levels. It can also be a direct result of an underlying health condition, as oversleep is considered a symptom of sleep apnea, narcolepsy, hypersomnia, and depression, for example. These are all serious diseases that need proper treatment. Preferably as soon as possible.

Your sleep is a sacred thing and should be treated as such. The human body likes having routines, so you need to get your body used to sleep seven to nine hours a day, every day. And stick to a regular bedtime and wake time.

It is also important to make sure the lights, sounds, and temperature of your sleep space are ideal for a great night’s sleep. That way, you are supporting your body’s internal clock.

Your organism will know exactly when to fall asleep and when to be awake. Of course, you can sleep late from time to time, but those should always be exceptions.

Also, don’t forget to eat healthy food and get regular physical exercise. Besides being fundamental to your health, these two habits will also help you sleep better.



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