10 Warning Signs Of Cancer You Should Never Dismiss

Last Updated on March 22, 2021

8. Unexpected Weight Loss

If you are doing a lot of exercises and engaging in a healthy diet, weight loss is a consequence of your hard work and is something to be expected. But, if you’re shedding a few pounds and don’t really know why or how, then your worrying is justified. Among the causes of unexplained weight loss, there is cancer, and this can happen in many types of cancer, so maybe you should get a full check-up.

9. You are having trouble swallowing

There are two types of cancer that can be associated with difficulties experienced while trying to swallow, and these are neck cancer and esophageal cancer. This symptom will feel so common, like a regular throat ache, that people will simply change their diets and start consuming softer foods in order to alleviate the symptoms. But if this is consistent, it is worth paying a visit to your doctor.

10. A lump you can’t explain

If you are the type of person who is very much in touch with their body, you will notice every little detail that changes in it, and this is actually pretty good when it comes to detecting diseases. If you have a new lump or an old lump that has changed somehow, you should see a doctor. It will most likely be a tissue, but you need to be able to disregard the possibility that you are suffering from cancer that is in the subterranean tissue. The most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump in the breast, for example.


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