10 Interesting Facts You Need to Know about Peeing!

Last Updated on December 27, 2019

#9 – Your pee can look like a rainbow

Your urine’s color can change from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on how hydrated your body is. However, certain foods and medications contain pigments that can also change the color of your pee, resulting in strange hues.

For instance, your pee can become bright red after eating beets and berries or even turn greenish-blue after taking certain medications. Also, people who have a rare inherited disorder called porphyria commonly witness brown or deep red urine.

Orange urine, however, can signal liver problems, especially if accompanied by yellow skin and pale stool. And bloody urine is an alarming sign of a dangerous problem, like kidney stones, an infection, or even cancer.

#10 – Foamy urine can signal serious health problems

Sometimes, we all notice that our pee looks foamy, which simply means that the urine stream came out fast and strong. However, if the foamy urine is persistent and won’t disappear over time, it may be a sign of high protein levels.

Increased levels of protein in urine could signal a severe kidney issue that requires medical attention.

Make sure to consult your urologist as soon as you notice any abnormality about your urine.

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