6 Japanese Food Secrets that Will Make You Stay Slim

Last Updated on December 31, 2020

#3 – The culture of eating

The Japanese eating ritual consists of eating slowly, with small pieces, also, the food is served on small plates. They avoid decorating food because they want to preserve their natural taste and appearance. Different dishes are never combined on one plate and you’ll always find each food served separately in its own place. Plus, the plate should never be loaded. This might be just the best way to never overeat again! No wonder how these people stay slim and healthy.

#2 – Rice instead of bread

Everyone knows that the Japanese eat lots of rice. It’s actually an important part of all meals. It should be highlighted that the rice is particularly cooked without any butter or salt. And so, eating no mealy foods plays an essential role in helping this nation maintain their slim figures, healthy skin, and long lifespan.

#1 – There are almost no sweets for dessert

In Japan, dessert is rarely eaten, and you’ll usually find only a little of it. In this amazing country, expectations of sweets are extremely different from the rest of the world. This might be very surprising but there is no buttercream or cakes in a Japanese diet. They have even made ice cream with rice, and it’s known as mochi. Most Japanese desserts are low in sugar and fat. They might not be particularly appealing to Western taste but they will certainly take good care of both your health and waistline.