This Is What Will Happen If You Drink Coke Every Day


Last Updated on December 31, 2020

I know you are thinking about that bottle of soda you left at home, thinking how refreshing it would be to drink it once you are back home, especially if it is warm outside. It is one of the beverages that can satisfy your thirst and make you feel ‘hydrated’ again.
If you think that, then we have bad news for you…

Scientists have been conducting many studies to understand the pros and cons of soda, and discovering they are not healthy was not a shock. But the things it does to our bodies are what urged scientists to declare that soda should never be consumed, ever!

Unfortunately, many people have already developed the habit of drinking coke daily. To them, it is the same as what nicotine means to smokers… It is an addiction.

You have to take care of your body and stop putting anything into it. Learn about what sodas do to you before it ruins it completely!

#1 – Vitamin deficiency

Coke tastes good during a hot summer day when you have been sweating for hours, but that refreshment is not really worth the phosphoric acid that comes along with the caffeine in the Coke. The reason is it contains a diuretic effect that starts washing out the vitamins and nutrients 60 minutes after drinking it.

Now imagine when you drink coke every day and nutrients getting washed out daily. This is how anemia and vitamin deficiency starts, and it is not something fun to deal with. You should allow your body to take advantage of each vitamin you give it in order to function well.

#2 – Dental erosion

Coca-cola contains high levels of sugary ingredients and acidity that are not really good friends with your teeth. So by consuming it every day, you should expect it to rot in the near future.

The bigger problem is your body would already be suffering from a lack of calcium because of the vitamin deficiency the coke caused, and that’s how you will end up with teeth rotting up from inside out. They would also be easy to break, one strong bite, and here goes a tooth!

Your oral health is extremely important and very expensive to treat, so start now by cutting off the soda.

#3 – Anxiety

We should not forget that Coke contains a fair amount of caffeine, which is why it could lead to sleep deprivation. But that’s not all, if you are no stranger to lack of sleep and excessive energy in your system, then you are aware that one of the side effects you will have to deal with is anxiety.

Keep in mind that when you decide to cut off the soda, you may experience fatigue, irritability, depression, or headaches because the amount of caffeine in the soda is addictive, which will make your body crave it as soon as you cut it off!

#4 – Obesity

Let’s talk about this for a little while: When we say ‘extra weight’, we don’t really talk about the appearance and how you look as much as we talk about how you feel.

The excess weight increases the pressure on your cardiovascular system, your immune system, your bones, and your joints. Let’s not forget they are already weakened by the lack of nutrients, lack of vitamins, and lack of calcium.

On the other hand, your appearance would also be harmed by the soda because it will constantly make you bloated, and due to the sugary ingredient, you will gain a lot of unnecessary fat that your body doesn’t need.

#5 – Skin problems

You already know what smoking can do to your skin, and that’s one of the reasons why you don’t smoke, right?

Well, did you know that drinking soda daily would have the same effect on your skin as smoking cigarettes?

Coke has an inflammatory effect on the human body because of the high levels of sugar that harm the body. It emphasizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, dehydrates the skin, accelerates skin aging, exaggerates eczema, acne, inflamed skin, dry skin, and makes the face dull and saggy.

If all of these reasons were not enough for you to quit the soda, then start saying goodbye to your youthful face from now!

#6 – Blood and heart problems

If there is one thing we need to protect in our bodies then it is the heart. Without it, all of our organs will be dead, including the brain. And adding bad cholesterol to our system will increase the risk of experiencing a heart attack.

In fact, consuming only one small can of coke a day can lead you to suffer from high blood pressure.

Moreover, women can suffer from this illness as well because when they consume the same amount of soda would more likely to develop diabetes type 2.

Remember that drinking coke will make you feel good only at that moment, but your body will stay with you. So, are you sure this is how you want to treat it?

#7 – Risk of cancer

Well, we are not saying you will definitely get cancer because of soda, but because the latter contain molecules and its plastic package, then you are increasing your risk of getting one for sure. That’s why doctors recommend drinking only one small can a week to reduce the risk.

But let’s face it, coke is not the only unhealthy thing we are consuming, and let’s add the polluted air along with our unhealthy habits (lack of exercise, etc).

When we reduce the consumption of soda, we would be crossing one bad thing off of our list, which can still be an impressive improvement!

#8 – Kidney failure

Many people think consuming diet Coke would be a lot better because it is a “safer” version, but again, we have bad news for you…

The zero sugar coke may not have any sugar in it, but it definitely has artificial sweeteners that are known to be unhealthier for your kidneys, and if you drink it daily, then know your kidneys are suffering.

It is best to cut off the soda for once and for all, but if you are addicted, then you can gradually decrease the consumption of it till you can survive to live without it. That delicious taste of it is not even worth all these scary side effects, don’t you think?



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