8 Easy Ways To Get Rid of A Stuffy Nose

Last Updated on March 6, 2021

4. Nose decongestant medications

Decongestant medications were developed to shrink the blood vessels inside your nose so that they no longer block the airway. These medications are highly effective in getting rid of that annoying stuffy nose symptom and you can get it without a prescription, so you don’t need to go to the doctor before using them. However, you should carefully read the information leaflet before using them and talk to an expert if you have any doubts. The most common nasal spray for sinus includes oxymetazoline (Afrin) and phenylephrine (Sinex). Some saline solutions also have decongestant compounds to increase their effectiveness – you can use them, but you have to consider their side effects. If you don’t like to use nasal sprays, you can opt for decongestant pills instead.

5. Exercise

Have you ever noticed how exercise makes you breathe much better? If allergies are the cause of your stuffy nose, do a short workout session. It will increase both your heart rate and body temperature, which in turn will clear your nasal passages and help you breathe without difficulty. You will be simultaneously decongesting your nose and improving your fitness condition. That’s what we call a win-win situation.

6. Nasal wash

Washing the inside of your nose is a good way to loosen and flush out all the mucus that is bothering you and making it harder to breathe. You can either use a nasal irrigation kit or a neti pot, two products that are widely available in drugstores and supermarkets. It’s important to read and follow the instructions to make sure you perform a correct nasal wash and avoid hurting yourself. It’s also a good idea to use distilled water or a saline solution. This might be a somewhat difficult and awkward task, but it works wonders. Try it a few times, and you’ll get used to it!

7. Warm compress

A warm compress can be another great home remedy to relieve your stuffy nose. It’s easy to make: you need a small towel and warm water. Soak the towel in warm water, squeeze the excess water, fold it nicely, and put it over your forehead (or your nose, whatever is more comfortable for you). The heat will open your nasal passages and reduce inflammation, allowing you to breathe more comfortably. If your stuffy nose makes it hard to fall asleep, this is a great method for you to try before bedtime. Speaking of which, sleep experts recommend people with stuffed noses to sleep on their back to allow the mucus to drain out (adding an extra pillow might also be a good idea). It is important not to let this symptom affect your overall sleep quality. Because if it does, it can have a very negative impact on your life.


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