Top 7 Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Lemon Water


Last Updated on March 11, 2021

3. Affects Intestine Health

The truth is that the skin of a lemon may be contaminated with germs, bacteria, and small microorganisms invisible to the human eye that endanger the correct functioning of the intestine. Thus, it is natural that you feel more vulnerable in gastrointestinal terms. You are more prone to suffering from diarrhea and flatulence after drinking large amounts of water with lemon. To minimize this problem, you should squeeze the lemon juice directly into a glass of water instead of using a lemon slice inside the glass. You will benefit from all the nutrients found in the lemon juice and not from the impurities that may be in its skin.

4. Leads to the Appearance of Canker Sores

What does lemon water do for you? As we mentioned earlier, it does many positive things and others that are quite negative or annoying. One of the most disturbing sensations you can experience after drinking excessive amounts of water with lemon is to feel canker sores inside your mouth. It is true that they do not constitute any danger to oral health and that they disappear by themselves at the end of a week or two. Still, that irritation of a newly formed canker sore is quite uncomfortable and unpleasant for everyone.

5. Triggers the Appearance of Migraines

Excessive intake of water with lemon leads to canker sores, but also migraines. And this happens for a very simple reason: citrus fruits like lemons are rich in tyramine, which is a natural monoamine that is often associated with headaches and, consequently, migraines. Thus, lemon joins the other foods that trigger migraines such as ham, sausage, instant noodles, chocolate, among other foods that stimulate the central nervous system. And you must be very careful when you consume too much of these foods.

6. It Causes Heartburn, Heartburn, and More Heartburn!

Can lemon water cause heartburn? Several studies claim that this happens if you drink large amounts of water with lemon. And this aspect is curious because the water with lemon can be considered the savior for those who feel inflamed at the end of meals, but at the same time, it can be the main culprit if you get full of heartburn. Health experts believe that lemon’s acidity activates pepsin, a stomach enzyme that acts on the breakdown of proteins. Naturally, this digestive acid liquid activates the inactive pepsin molecules found in the throat and esophagus, causing a huge sensation of heartburn.


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