Top 12 Drinks That Can Help You Sleep Better!

Last Updated on March 15, 2021




11. Cherry Juice: The Nectar of Deep Rest


A glass of cherry juice before bed allows you to have a continuous night of sleep, that is, without insomnia and without the need to wake up in the middle of the night. Cherry juice contains the amino acid tryptophan and this will help in the production of serotonin and melatonin – the hormones responsible for sleep quality.

That way, you will have a night of deep rest and the next day you will be completely refreshed and full of energy.




12. Banana Smoothie: The Sweet Taste of the Fruit


Who can resist the sweet taste of a good fruit shake? You don’t need to drink just tea, juice or milk before bed to get sleep aids. You can also prepare a banana smoothie, for example, since this is a fantastic fruit that contains tryptophan and magnesium and these will help you in promoting a healthier sleep pattern.

In addition, bananas are also rich in fiber and carbohydrates, which makes you more satiated at bedtime, increasing your desire to sleep.

Now that you know how to sleep better, why do you still insist on going to bed without drinking one of these natural drinks? Start doing it from now on and get that night of deep, restful sleep that you need so much. The next day you will certainly be at your best.