This is why you shouldn’t Have pancakes for breakfast every day!


Last Updated on November 23, 2020

Maintaining a healthy weight: if you leave home in the morning without eating anything, you are more likely to overeat, not only during the morning, but the entire day. Eating breakfast can make you resist the temptation to eat highly caloric snacks and allow you to properly portion your lunch meal by keeping you satisfied for longer. Despite all this, a recent study stated that there is no conclusive evidence to support the link between skipping breakfast and obesity. Also, skipping breakfast is usually a sign of a very unhealthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that those who don’t eat breakfast at all are more likely to indulge in unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and have a sedentary lifestyle. Eating a healthy breakfast could be considered the first step into a healthy life. Go for it!

2. The dangers of eating the same unhealthy food (like the wrong pancakes) every day

Always eating the same thing for breakfast is not necessarily wrong, as long as it includes a wide variety of foods that provide you with all the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and brain. But the truth is that most people eat the same combination of two ingredients every morning for years: bread and butter, milk and cereals, or pancakes and syrup. Pancakes are indeed very popular. But are they the right choice? Or could you do better? The most traditional and flavorsome pancakes are made with eggs, butter, flour, sugar, and milk. If you follow this recipe, use syrup as a topping and eat two of them, you are consuming more than 500 calories in pancakes. That’s right: 500. Just the pancakes exceed the recommended calorie intake for breakfast – 350 to 500. And you are getting close to zero nutritional value besides iron and the protein from the eggs. So, is it possible to make healthy pancakes? Absolutely. If you really want to eat pancakes every day, you just need to follow the correct recipe. Homemade pancakes can be an excellent and very healthy option for your first meal of the day.


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