11 health benefits of potato juice

Last Updated on March 12, 2020

We normally focus too much on medicine and not so healthy “drugs” to recover to the point we forgot about the natural and healthier way to do it. Next time you feel like you might be getting a cold, go eat some oranges or tomatoes.

Potato juice is great since vitamin C and iron in potatoes are key when we talk about protecting our immune system against viruses and other contagious illnesses.

4. Improves liver function

Do potatoes have antioxidants? The answer is yes! Potato juice can detoxify and eliminate toxins out of our bodies. This is one of the reasons why potato juice should be added to our “diet” plan; it has more health benefits than calories. Give it a try and see the results for yourself!

5. Treats rheumatoid arthritis

It might sound complicated but rheumatoid arthritis is unfortunately very common, it’s a chronic inflammatory disease that usually occurs in the joints of our feet and hands.

Of course, that potato juice is not the remedy but it can be helpful because of its nutrients and vitamins, especially vitamin C. You don’t have to drink a full glass, just a spoon before each meal and you’ll be able to see some improvements.

6. Helps kidney function

In case you didn’t know, potato juice contains potassium, which helps a lot when it comes to helping your kidneys functioning correctly.

It also helps in regulating our body fluids and increasing our muscle function at the same time! Making it a great, healthy drink, not only for young but also for older people.

7. Increases heart health

Since we’re talking about potassium, did you know that potassium is one of the most important minerals ever? And (surprise, surprise) it’s found in potato juice.

This mineral is famous for increasing blood flow and clearing blocked arteries, and by doing so, it also prevents future heart diseases and other vascular problems.

8.Higher energy levels

We’re not saying you can use potato juice as a substitute for coffee because they are not comparable whatsoever. But that doesn’t mean that potato juice can’t be a natural energy booster because it is!



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