7 Pregnancy symptoms you shouldn’t ignore

Last Updated on June 18, 2020

If one of your legs is cramping and you are experiencing leg pain, you need to consider a few factors – like if there is swelling on the leg, or if the pain is constant and is not going away. If this is the case, call your doctor, as it might be a blood clot that has developed on your leg, but that can migrate to the heart, brain, or lungs, where it could become critical.

However, be aware that during pregnancy, a lot of women experience swollen hands and feet due to water retention, but they may also experience swollen legs due to weight gain, so one factor alone is no reason to call your doctor.

7. Constant itching

This isn’t the type of thing that you need to go running to the doctor for, but if you are suffering from a constant itch that is so bad to the point it disrupts your everyday routine, this might be a signal that something is wrong with your liver. If it’s late at night, wait until the next morning as it is usually nothing serious.



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