10 Things All Women Above 50 Should Know About Their Health!


Last Updated on February 26, 2021

3. Vitamin Intake Is Extremely Important

After menopause, iron and folate levels usually drop significantly. There’s nothing like going for a doctor’s visit for them to tell you what are the best vitamins to take for your overall health. But in the meantime, here are some of the vitamins you might need to take and why: Vitamin D: Also known as the sun vitamin, vitamin D is known to be a key nutrient when it comes to keeping your bones, muscles, and teeth in their healthiest state. Vitamin B12: This vitamin is found in animal food, such as meat, fish, eggs, and so on. However, once we get older, our body doesn’t absorb as many nutrients from the food we eat as it did when we were younger. This is why taking vitamin b12 supplement is in your best interests. This vitamin is essential for red blood cell production and nervous system health. Calcium: known as the bone vitamin, calcium helps to keep your bones strong and sturdy. Women over 50 tend to lose bone mass due to the menopause, which makes calcium one of the most important vitamins out there.

4. Don’t Drink A Lot Of Alcohol

Even though we strongly encourage older women to go out for a drink at night with their friends or companions, they should be careful about their alcohol intake. Breast cancer and dementia are just a couple of diseases that can result from drinking a lot of alcohol. Women shouldn’t drink more than one cup per day, while men shouldn’t exceed 2 cups.

5. Pay Attention To Your Numbers

All healthy women out there have one thing in common. They’re aware of their numbers. By numbers, we mean not only weight and height but also cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels. Taking a simple blood test every once in a while is enough to keep you updated. Knowing what your body needs or what is lacking as soon as possible is necessary to battle it and avoid future health complications. Please keep track of these numbers and never throw away your results, it’s always important that you show your doctor how your body is progressing over the years in every doctor’s appointment.


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