7 Foods And Drinks You Shouldn’t Have On An Empty Stomach!

Last Updated on December 9, 2020

Drinking cold or iced beverages on an empty stomach should never be an option!

Though many people believe that this habit is harmless, they are hardly right. Drinking cold beverages when your stomach is empty may cause digestive problems, or worse, damage your mucous membrane — the membrane that layers your stomach and contains the gastric pits.

The risk is even higher if you have the habit of drinking cold water or beverages after a workout session, as this can shock your organs and interferes with the natural cooling process of your body.




4. Sugary Foods & drinks


Drinking freshly-squeezed juice works wonder for the digestive system, boosts energy, and regulates blood sugar levels.

However, having a glass of fruit juice or smoothie first thing in the morning may shock and stress your pancreas, and upset your stomach. It is even worse if you drink cold fruit juice when you already have an easily upset stomach.

The same goes for any foods and desserts that are filled with processed sugar, which can spike your blood sugar levels at an even faster rate.




3. Soft drinks


Drinking soft drinks on an empty stomach is a literal disaster!

The carbonated acids mixing with the natural stomach acid (gastric acid) results in an increase in acids inside the stomach, causing nausea, upset stomach, and sometimes even severe abdominal pain.

Gases are also not only a result of drinking too much soda but also that of drinking it on an empty stomach.




2. Yogurt


Yogurt is filled with an abundance of benefits for your body as it can boost your energy during the day and ease digestion problems. The only issue here is that yogurt can be quite harmful to your health if you’re allergic to dairy products, or if you happen to eat it on an empty stomach.

Eating yogurt on an empty stomach is a big mistake! Yogurt forms hydrochloric acid that can lead to additional acidity in the stomach. Eating yogurt when your stomach is empty can also lead to stomach cramps, bloating, and gas.



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