You Should See A Doctor ASAP If You Notice These 12 Things!

Last Updated on April 6, 2020

© Stellar Transportation

Imagine that you’re taking a shower, or just changingg and you notice something different on your body; a spot, a lump, a new rash, etc. The thing is, many times, people ignore these things thinking that they’re not that serious.

However, you should look further into it because you never know when you’ll be needing a doctor’s visit. We hope this article can shed a light on when you should be worried (not panicked). Remember that you only have one body, so take care of it, will you? Here are 12 body problems you shouldn’t ignore.


1. White Spots on Nails

Are you noticing a change in your nail color? like a white spot? You should really look into it, as it may be indicative of bigger health problems, like heart problems or liver problems. What you can do if you notice these spots is to press them and see what changes it causes.

For example, if the white spot disappears or changes somehow, then it’s coming likely from the nail bed skin, which means that you could have a bigger issue, but if the spot doesn’t go anywhere when you press it, it may just be a small trauma on the nail.

2. Dark Line on Nails

It’s amazing how your nails can give you information on your health. If you notice darker spots or lines on your nails, then you really need to look into it now because it may be a nail melanoma.

The good news is, this form of melanoma is quite rare, being only 0.7 to 3.5% of all diagnosed melanomas worldwide. The bad news is that it can be fatal if not treated, so don’t sit around and go see a doctor if you notice something like this.

3. New Moles

If you notice a new mole on your body, you should be taking a careful look into it, the first thing you should do is to take note of the ABCDE’s of melanoma, with ‘A’ standing for asymmetry, ‘B’ for border irregularity, ‘C’ for color variation, ‘D’ for diameter (if bigger than at least 6mm) and ‘E’ standing for evolving or changing.



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