What Happens If You Eat Grapes Every Day For Two Months


Last Updated on December 31, 2020

It is also worth mentioning that grapes contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which is a pair of antioxidants that would shield your eyes from many dangers, including your phone’s blue light.

#3 – Slower aging


Staying young for the longest time is everyone’s dream, and grapes would definitely help you achieve that. There are some compounds found in the fruit that can affect our lifespan and aging. According to animal studies, resveratrol would activate SIRT1, which is a gene that is directly connected to a longer lifespan.

Meanwhile, vitamin C would take care of your appearance and allow your skin to stay healthy. Due to its importance of producing collagen, your skin will remain elastic, smooth, and wrinkle-free.
Basically, the grapes would help your body from the inside and outside, protecting you from aging, and helping your body stay young for as long as possible.

#4 – Decreased inflammation


Chronic inflammation is a factor in all diseases, but it is the hallmark of the dangerous ones like arthritis. In some circumstances, the swelling is a necessary response, but if it becomes chronic or happens in error, then your cells might be at risk of getting damaged, which will open the door for heart disease, cancer, and other autoimmune disorders.

According to a study that was done on 24 men with metabolic syndrome (risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes), a daily dose of grape powder (1.5 cups of fresh grapes) was found to increase in their bloodstream a high level of anti-inflammatory compounds.

#5 – Sharper memory


There are many experts that have studied the grapes effects on memory and learning, but one specific study that was done on 111 healthy older adults found that taking 250 mg of a grape supplement daily impressively improved their language ability, memory, and attention.

Moreover, there is another study that revealed grape juice to be capable to increase the speed of your memory recall and boost your mood. There are still many types of research ongoing in order to prove that grapes can help with Alzheimer’s disease.



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