Top 8 Personal Hygiene MistakesYou Should Avoid At All Cost!

Last Updated on March 24, 2020

When it comes to personal hygiene, we all think we do it right, at least, the way we were taught since we were kids. Unfortunately, it doesn’t necessarily mean that these “habits” are healthy at all.

Of course, some of the things on this list weren’t even “a thing” when our parents were our age so it’s only normal that they wouldn’t be able to educate you on those matters. But that’s where we come in! This article’s purpose is to show you some of the top hygiene routines you’re probably doing wrong or completely forgetting to do in your daily life!

So, if you wish to live a healthy, safe life, keep reading!


1. Touching your face with your hands

This might be the hardest habit to let go of, if not even impossible!

It’s simply natural for us to touch our faces. Sometimes we get an itch we want to scratch or just tend to feel our lips, noses, eyes and so on. But every time we do this, we’re adding dirt and possibly transferring bacteria to our face.

Sometimes, we feel the consequences when our skin gets a lot of pimples or extra oily.

We know it’s very difficult to stop touching your face, and it’s very likely that that’s never going to happen, so, what can you do? Carry a hand sanitizer with you and try to use it a lot of times per day. Every time you use the bathroom or touch some random object, or eat, or whatever, disinfect your hands right away!

You might look like a germaphobe at first but it’s always best to be safe than sorry, so don’t worry about what other people think because when it comes to your health, you’re the one calling the shots.

2. Not cleaning your makeup brushes

If someone were to ask you, “How many times per month you clean your makeup brushes?” Your answer would probably be, “Am I supposed to wash them every month?” The answer is yes! If not even more times!



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