High Cholesterol Levels ? Here Are 5 Lifestyle Mistakes That Increase The Risk!

Last Updated on December 31, 2019

#2 – What increases the risk of high cholesterol?

Preventing high cholesterol is possible by avoiding risk behaviors and adopting a generally healthy lifestyle. The good news is that the same healthy lifestyle needed to keep your cholesterol in check will also keep you away from other potentially dangerous diseases that can shorten your average life expectancy.

Family history also has a big impact and may even dictate whether you have a tendency to have high cholesterol or not. There’s not much you can do about this heredity factor, but you should inform your doctor so he can keep track of your cholesterol levels from a younger age and be extra careful when it comes to the following lifestyle choices:

#3 – Unhealthy diet

You are what you eat. And if your diet is based on processed meats, fast food, fried food, and full-fat dairy products, then you are the embodiment of LDL cholesterol itself.

An unhealthy diet is the source of many modern health complications that is why it is extremely important to educate the population about healthy eating habits. Even if these habits are less convenient and require carefully planning most of your meals. The benefits will certainly pay off!

#4 – Not exercising

Besides keeping you fit, regular exercise also keeps you healthy. But you already know that. What you may not know is that exercise acts on two fronts in the fight against cholesterol: it helps boost HDL levels while making LDL cholesterol less harmful. Now is a great time to start using your gym subscription.

#5 – Smoking

Here’s another great reason to give up smoking you can add to your list: healthy blood vessels. Smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and damages blood vessel walls. You can write it right below the fact that smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in most developed countries.

#6 – Overweight and Obesity

People with a body mass index above 30 are at greater risk of high cholesterol. Make sure you keep a healthy weight as you age, as it will play a key role in your longevity and quality of life.



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