Here Are 9 of the Most Amazing Benefits of a Yogurt Face Mask!

Last Updated on January 10, 2020

Probiotics’ anti-inflammatory effects can help treat other inflammatory skin conditions other than acne, including eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

These conditions usually come with redness, itchiness, flaky skin, and even pain, so after checking with your dermatologist, you can apply a yogurt face mask every now and then to help minimize the symptoms and speed up the recovery.

#1 – Treating skin infections

Yogurt may also have microbial properties that might help treat skin infections. However, it’s important to keep in mind that you should never apply yogurt masks to broken or infected skin before checking with your dermatologist first.

DIY natural face masks recipes

You can make a homemade face mask using only yogurt, but if you wish to address particular skin problems, you may want to add other ingredients.
Remember, always apply a face mask on a clean face!

Here are 3 easy DIY recipes:

 For inflammatory or oily skin: mix half a cup of plain yogurt with ½ teaspoon of ground turmeric.

 For irritated skin, mix ¼ cup of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of pure aloe vera gel.

 For hyperpigmentation: mix one cup of yogurt with a few drops of lemon juice.

Leave each mask for 15 min before rinsing off.

Any drawbacks?

In case you’re allergic to milk, you should definitely avoid using traditional yogurt. Instead, choose either plant-based milk or goat’s milk.
You can also test any mask to make sure it won’t cause any adverse reactions by applying a small amount of it on the inside of your elbow and leaving it for 24 hours.

There’s also another drawback to using yogurt, which is clogged pores. But it rarely happens and there are no clinical studies to support this effect.

Before trying to treat any skin condition at home, make sure to discuss it with your dermatologist first.

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