10 Sneaky Allergy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore!

Last Updated on March 16, 2020

4. Memory Impairment

To fight off your allergies, your immune system will fight like a warrior, and it will work in overdrive. This proves your body is amazing, but it will also get you a lot of sleepless nights, preventing you from getting your much-needed rest. Memory problems can start surfacing as a result of your lack of sleep, and since you actually depend on your memory to execute most of the tasks in your daily life, you should check with your doctor as soon as you start experiencing that so-called brain fog.

5. Abdominal Pain

This is one of the food allergy symptoms that is ignored more often, but it is actually pretty common. People who suffer from food allergies, depending on how severe it is, can experience stomach cramps, as well as abdominal pain. To avoid these symptoms, your best option is to reduce the amount of food you are allergic to or avoid eating it completely. But evaluate your allergy level, because some food allergies can be deadly.

6. Rashes

Some allergies can trigger a sort of eczema, that people commonly refer to as a rash. Dust mites and pet dander are some of the things that might trigger this type of reaction, and people who already suffer from eczema are more vulnerable to develop this type of symptom. As a result of untreated eczema, people can develop viral and bacterial skin infections.

7. Looking fatigued

Those bumps that you have under your eyes and that don’t seem to want to go away can be a result of allergies. Some respiratory allergies can originate swelling of the adenoids, and this has an effect on your appearance. You will start to look droopy and tired, and you might actually feel tired.

8. Loss of Smell

The nasal congestion you experience from respiratory allergies, if left untreated, can lead to a more serious consequence – a reduction in your sense of smell, a condition called anosmia. The chronic inflammation of the tissues is to blame for this type of chronic inflammation.



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