10 Bad Bathroom Habits That Are Messing Up Your Health!

Last Updated on December 11, 2019

© Safe Air Fast

Bathrooms are quite a thing – it doesn’t matter how much we clean them, they will always have countless bacteria. This is dangerous, and without knowing you can be engaging in some deadly bathroom habits.

On average, a toilet bowl will contain about 3.2 million bacteria, and the bacteria can spread and give you health issues. So here are some guidelines to maintain a healthy relationship with your bathroom.


#1 – Be Careful With How You Shave Your Bikini Area

The hair in our bikini area is something natural and it is actually there for a reason – it helps protecting you from bacteria that shouldn’t be there. If you shave down there you can do a lot of damage to your skin.

But if you are one of those people who just don’t like to have pubic hair, you should know how to properly shave your bikini area: use proper shaving equipment when shaving. There are appropriate razors and shaving creams that are softer to the skin.

Then, of course, you should do the best intimate hygiene possible and pick the more trustworthy intimate feminine hygiene products. If you are brave enough, maybe try waxing or a more definitive method, like laser, since these are the easy ways to shave your bikini area, and the ones that last longer.

#2 – Do Not Use A Loofah

A new loofah is really good to scrub the dead skin cells off, but it’s really bad because those dead skin cells build up inside the sponge.

And then, of course, if you leave it behind, you are leaving fertile ground for bacteria to grow, meaning that when you use that loofah again, the bacteria will get back on your body. You can always choose to exfoliate your body once a week in order to remove dead skin cells or replace your loofah more often.

#3 – Wash Every Tiny Bit Of Your Body

We often take quick showers where we forget to clean all the areas of the body, and this is important because keeping our bodies clean is what protects them from bacteria.



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